Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring Break 2009--Zions!

We had a great Spring Break this year. We packed up a motor home and head South to enjoy some warm spring weather! The kids thought being in a motor home was awesome--and it was (especially when the temps got pretty low at night and the rain came pouring down at the end of our day hiking!)

Who looks more tired? Lindsay or Jeff who got to carry her all day? Thanks Dad!

Here's our family at the top of the Emerald Lakes Hike.

We went with two of my sisters and their families. That made the trip exra fun for us--Calvin had lots of boys to learn from and chill with, while the girls had cousins just their age to share it with. It was great to be with seasoned professionals who had done this before. They knew to bring Go-gurt for the mid point of the hike--my granola bars and fruit snacks were passed up for her yummy snacks! They were good enough to introduce us to the beauty of our "pretty great state." We were really impressed!

All the cousins! You can imagine all the comments we got as we hiked together!

Zions is a beautiful place and the park is really well organized to make it easy to get places--they have shuttles that pick you up and drop you off at all the different hikes and sites. Very convenient and all the hikes are well marked and easy to follow. The weather turned bad on our second day so we headed to St George to see if we could find some warmth. We found a great place to hike around--Pioneer Park and stayed as long as we could stand the cold--it was actually snowing! We took the kids to In-N-Out Burger--Jeff had promised Alli that he would and ended up heading home one day early--we still had a great time and the kids got to watch movies while they camped! Yeah! We felt like we still escaped bad weather upon our return because we got about 6 inches of snow the day we came home! Crazy! Now bring on the warm!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lindsay Lu

Here she is! She's ready for something--we're not quite sure what! Lindsay is a busy little girl. She keeps us laughing with her "dancing", cute prayers, imitations, and made-up songs. Last night she came down from the playroom in this get-up. It cracked us up! She is always suprising us. Like this morning--she came to me crying because she had pushed a raisin up her nose! Ummmm...not so funny! Luckily I was able to grab it with tweezers before we had a visit to the insta-care!

Monday, April 6, 2009

April Fools!

Is your house like ours on April Fools? We had "broken arms" wrapped in Ace bandages, food coloring under the faucets so the water would turn colors, and our 2-year old saying "My arm's broken--April Fools!" Lucky for us, Lauren didn't wake-up at 6:00am to put Saran-wrap on things, etc like she'd planned! We DID, however, have our mixed-up April Fool's Dinner. (This tradition began a few years back when I had forgotten about doing something special for April Fool's Dinner and at the last minute assigned numbers to everything on the menu--including silverware and let the kids choose the order of their dinner service.) This year I made up a menu and let the family choose what they wanted to eat. We had Enchilladas, salad, green jello with cool whip and "bug-bites", chips, salsa, and chili cheese dip and a doughnut with gummy worms for dessert. See how you would have done with dinner at our house last week (mind you, they only knew we were having enchilladas, so the level of difficulty was a bit higher for them)! Here's the menu: Wildwood Dancing, Dragon Rolls, Crocodile Tears, Fairies Delight, Crispy Chunks, Slimy Bug Goop, Molten Lava, The Worms Crawl In and the Worms Crawl Out, Blood and Guts, Dinglehopper, and Shovel. Sounds appetizing--right? Sometimes the journey is an adventure!