Monday, May 16, 2011

Alli for 8th Grade Secretary

Alli wanted to run for office at the end of the school year.  She worked really hard on her campaign.  They had to make a poster, and a 30 second video to show the entire school the day of the vote.  Alli thought it would be fun to use Justin Bieber in her video.  It turned out to be pretty cute and creative.  She ended up losing, and that was tragic for about half the day, until her good friend, Tori from across the street, came over to cheer her up.  (I was so grateful for her and that sweet act of kindness, that I cried!) Thank goodness for good friends.  True to Alli's positive nature, she was quickly pointing out reasons why she's glad she didn't make it after all.


Tyra said...

Alli, you are the winner in my book. Secretary isn't enough for you. You should be PRESIDENT! Your video was really creative! Don't give up. You have lots of talents ie running and violin.

CarolAnne said...

Proud of you for running! Now you will have more time for other wonderful things. Jonathan ran for office at MVHS and lost, but he had a great year with football, choir, friends and more.