Thursday, August 25, 2011

School Haircut

Okay, this girl needs a haircut! 
But seriously, Lauren and Alli took Lindsay with them to get their back-to-school haircuts.  Lindsay was soo sad when she didn't get to get her hair cut, too.  It made her day when she realized she could get her hair cut while the big kids went back to school.  Here she is pre-haircut. 
Love the look on her face while she gets her hair washed! I have a feeling my face looks like that when I get my hair washed, too. 
What should we do?  How about an A-line with "bangs straight across," per Lindsay's instructions.
Now that's a Kindergarten haircut!
Soo cute!
She wanted me to take a picture of both sides!
It's so fun being Lindsay!

1 comment:

Tyra said...

Soooo cute! Where does the time go? Lindsay really does look like a big school girl now. How fun.