Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas in November!

I think Jeff and Lauren look a little scared on "Space Mountain!"

Can you say "All you can eat Breakfast Buffet?" We can! Yum! What a great way to start a big day at Disneyland!

We met up with friends from our neighborhood--the Littledikes! Calvin sure loves his "brothers"!

Lindsay and Drew Littledike with the "Cars."

Huntington Beach, where Grandpa Barrett grew up!

We decided it would be fun to take our kids to Disneyland for Christmas this year. We originally thought we'd go the week of Christmas and come home Christmas Eve, so they would really feel like it was their Christmas. BUT we researched a little and realized it was actually a CRAZY time to go to Disneyland, because everyone else thought that sounded like fun too! So after more research, we found that the week after Thanksgiving is the best time in the park--all the Christmas decorations are up and the crowds are low since everyone had just been in the park for Thanksgiving. So we made a plan and tried to surprise our kids. Calvin and Lindsay were the only ones who were surprised--Alli did a little snooping and had it all figured out (that little Dickens!), and since she knew, I told Lauren so they could work on their missed school work during the Thanksgiving Break--turned out to be a good thing. Poor Calvin just thought his teacher sent home an awful lot of work for the break--luckily it was mostly cursive writing, which he LOVES! We left right after Sacrament Meeting on Nov 30th (Calvin was sure Dad was teasing him, when we told him what we were doing. Lindsay cried because she wanted to go to her Nursery class!), and stayed overnight in Mesquite. Then it was on to sunny Southern California Monday. We spent some time at Huntington Beach that afternoon/evening. Then we spent every possible moment at Disneyland Tuesday-Thursday. We all had a great time! Merry Christmas! I wonder if Santa is still going to come on Christmas Eve?


Mandy said...

I'm just imagining how my girls would react. I'm sure it was too good to be true for Lindsay! What a great Christmas surprise!

Tyra said...

We just loved all your pictures. They will help them to remember all the fun things you did. The pictures of Lindsay with the princesses were so cute. She looks like Cinderella with her blonde hair and blue eyes.

How fun that you met up with the Littledykes. I'm sure Calvin was happy.