Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oh Noooo!

Lindsay came down from her room where she was getting dressed after her bath.  Apparently she had gotten "all ready for the day" while she was at it.  I thought she'd come down to show me that she was dressed, until she pointed out her beautiful nails and toes she'd painted.  We quickly went up to her room and I had her show me where she'd done all her work...For those with sharp eyes, you can see in the second picture that we got some on the carpet, too.  Are we En-Joying the Journey yet!?!

If you look at it objectively, it's really not a bad job for a four-year-old.

She actually did pretty well at getting it on her nails, and her toes, and yes--the carpet!

Even the bottom of the hands couldn't escape the orange polish!  Notice how "pruny" her hands are still!
Just in case you were wondering...Colgate shaving cream is really good at getting finger nail polish out of white carpet!  Thank goodness I already knew that and we had some on hand.  Like I said before--JOY!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Sorry but I am cracking up! That is so cute. She wants to be grown up like her sisters! Good tip about the shaving cream. :)