Monday, October 25, 2010


We went to Trafalga Lehi, formerly known as Liberty Land, for UEA this year.  Alli got to bring her friend Cora along.  Lindsay thought it was great to hang out with such fun, big girls.  It was a fun day for the girls...Calvin was boating with his buddies instead.  His reasoning when they invited him just as we were getting ready to leave was, "Well, I have been to Liberty Land before..."  That along with an afternoon hanging with his favorite buddies sealed the deal.  We managed to have fun without him.
Go Alli!  Look at her take that turn!
Cora took Lindsay for a spin!  Lindsay LOVED the speed!
Ace Fighter Pilot!  She finally figured out how to make her plane go up and down.
Lindsay loved riding the ponies, too!
She spent the most time by far at this mini petting zoo.  She loved that the animals were her size and she could get to all of them.  I think the big floppy-eared bunny at her feet stole the show.  
Even though this train didn't go anywhere, Lindsay played and played on it.  She took us all over--even to Disneyland once!  Fun to have such a cute engineer on our journey.

1 comment:

Tyra said...

I remember how fun those race cars were. I can't believe how big Lindsay is getting. She dosen't know she is'nt as big as everyone else.