Sunday, July 27, 2008

BYU Pioneers

We wanted to do something with our family for Pioneer Day. Jeff had just come home from a business trip the night before (around 1:00am), so we were trying to think of something that wouldn't be too we decided to hike to the "Y"! What were we thinking? It was actually a great thing to do, but I think it was harder than any of us remembered. We had Calvin who was like a mountain goat...he got to the top first, and Lauren and Alli who got pretty tired, pretty fast! It was a great object lesson on the pioneers and what they had to go through--nice one, and on Pioneer Day! (Almost as if we had planned it, right?) Alli actually said that it was more fun than Lagoon, love that positive attitude! (Alli's always been my child that will turn work into a game.) They all did great and it was fun to see our kids realize they can do hard things. We had fun cooling off and resting at the top of the "Y" and even called Grandpa Barrett to see if he could find us through his binoculars! He couldn't find us though, the neighbor's shed was in his way. That shed! The hike down was Lauren's favorite part--she is 13 after all. We all agreed it was much easier going down than coming up, except for the side aches from all the bouncing. We were even lucky to meet the happiest hiker in all of BYU-dom on our way down. He came shuffling down in his BYU attire and gave everyone on the trail a high-five, except for Lindsay--she thought he was weird! As he sped past he yelled "How are you this glorious morning?" Now that's someone enjoying the journey!


CarolAnne said...

A memorable 24th. Good hiking,kids!

Mark said...

It was fun to see you on the trail, as I ran past in my BYU gear.

Ashli said...

Looks like fun. Thanks for coming over the other night to see the new place.

Anonymous said...

Was your "Happy Hiker" an older gentleman? When we were hiking the "Y," we passed an older gentleman who (after bawling us out for not staying on the [poorly marked] trail) told us that he was a sort of self-appointed Y-trail caretaker, and that he hiked the trail almost every day that it's not covered in snow.

If I hadn't been so exhausted, I would have punched him.