Friday, February 6, 2009

He Makes Me Laugh!

Calvin, Calvin, Calvin...That kid is funny! Last night Alli made a "Girls Only" sign for her door (You remember when you used to do that don't you?) and she made a sign for Calvin's door that said "Fun Zone." When Calvin was heading up to his room to get his pj's on, he noticed the sign and tore it off the door. He said, "Alli! There's going to be too many people in my room all the time, if it says "Fun Zone!" I don't want lots of people in my room!"

I guess you never know..."If you build it they will come!" Sorry, Alli--nice try!


Jenni said...

He would fit right in here, the lone boy out. We have a lone girl out.

Tyra said...

Boy, I sure know I would want to see what fun was going on behind that door. I think my odds are better at getting in the girls only room than the fun room. Things don't change from generation to generation.