Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Super Bowl Champs!

You may be thinking to yourself, "Julie is off her rocker, the Super Bowl is in January!" But as far as we are concerned, the REAL Super Bowl took place a couple of nights ago at Springville High School--and the BRONCO's took the trophy! Calvin has been playing city league football for the past couple of months (it seems like longer! That might have something to do with the fact that the games were dark and cold--Jeff and I ended up wearing our subzero puffy coats so we could last!) and he has really loved it! He ended up with several "tackles" and learned a lot about football--his new favorite sport. We'll see if that changes when basketball comes around! Proud of you, Cal! (He's the one with the orange arms!)

Just a little bit older and tougher than a couple of months ago! Love my boy!


Angelle said...

Go Calvin! We love some good football. Since BYU has tanked we should have been coming to your games!

La Mujer Loca said...

Awesome. My boys loved flag football too. Way to go, Calvin!

Tyra said...

It was fun to watch you play, Calvin. I am happy you wore a hat. That was a great way to keep track of you and it was good to keep warm. My boys had to wear their sweat suits under their soccer uniforms. It's okay to keep our children well. They didn't think it was as great as I did.