Thursday, October 8, 2009

Where have we been?

We've been busy with sports in our neck of the woods. Alli has been in soccer for the first time and LOVES it! She usually played forward, unless she needed a break "It's a lot of running!" and then she would play defender. She did really well--even scoring 2 goals in her final game of the season,a wickedly cold and stormy day--No these pictures are not of that game,it was too cold to take hands out of pockets to take pictures! The weather must have helped Alli keep running! Way to gooooooooo-al Alli!

Calvin tried flag football this season. Another first for our family! He played defense and had a great time. He says football is his favorite sport ever. He loves to pull the opponent's flags. His first flag of the season, he pulled the flag, then held it up above his head and yelled, "Yeah!" He did get a little discouraged a couple of games into the season when he was getting knocked around quite a bit. He told Jeff, "It's FLAG football, they're not supposed to do that!" Needless to say, Jeff and Calvin had some 'toughening up' practice that night after the game. Poor kid, he hasn't had a lot of that with three sisters. His team, the Broncos are in the play-offs right now. They play for the championship against the only team that beat them in regular season! GAME ON!

Lauren is playing Intramural Tennis again this year at the Jr High. She is having a great time with her partner Allison and they are winning all their matches so far. Today and tomorrow she is in tournament and looking forward to playing lots--you keep going until you loose! I just hope she's done in time for Jeff and I to head to Round-Table at 7! She has also just started her real favorite--Volleyball. She has really become busy now that she's a Freshman, but seems to balance everything well.

The rest of us are the supporters of the group! We have learned to bundle up for night games, bring the camping chairs, and always have an extra blanket and umbrella in the back of the car!


Angelle said...

Loving all the athletes in your family. I was a soccer girl myself, Go Alli!!

La Mujer Loca said...

Sounds like a busy yet fun summer. We did a lot of the same. Can't believe how old your kids are getting. Wow.