Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rubik's Cube

Calvin has some cute friends who inherited their uncle's Rubik's Cube. So naturally, that is all he could talk about for all of last week. We had an imitation one that a had been taken apart and put back together again by his older sister and himself, but it wouldn't go back together the last time he tried to "solve" it. He gave me a dollar to buy a new one, but he didn't want the fake cube--he wanted the real deal. I told him it would cost about $10 and he thought that was worth it! Every time I would come home from the store he would ask about the cube and I would keep forgetting to get him one. (Does that ever happen to you?) I finally made a special trip last weekend to pick it up. He was so excited when he got home from school--until he realized how hard it was. He was a little surprised because his friend's dad could solve it with his eyes closed! (I'd still like to see that, Jason) We talked about how puzzles are meant to be difficult, so he shouldn't be discouraged. And I told him I didn't know how to do it either. The cube did come with a guide to solving the puzzle, but I remember not even being able to understand the instructions as a youngin'. I told him I would try to figure it out, and after at least an hour of trying late Saturday night, I finally did it! I can solve the Rubik's Cube! (Of course, I need the instructions in front of me and it may take a couple of tries--I mix up clockwise, and counter-clockwise, sometimes.) Of course my kids were impressed and I can't deny that I was pretty happy with myself, too. Until, that is, I found this video on-line: http://www.maniacworld.com/one-handed-rubiks-cube.html I've learned a lesson--humility is an important part of the journey. Accept it or it may be forced upon you!


Yoga Girl said...

Holy cow Julie that video was insane! I'm sure with a little practice you will be able to do the same...
I've always hated those beastly rubik's cube myself. hahaha!

La Mujer Loca said...

I used to be able to do the whole thing, but all I can do is one side now. What's the deal? Matt got one this year and still hasn't figured it out.

Like all your posts--especially Thanksgiving memories. Have fun at the cabin. I'm jealous--and cleaning my house getting ready for the onslaught tomorrow--36 Anderson's at my place. Holy Moley!

Traci said...

Holy crap...for lack of a better word. But I still am impressed that you did it yourself. Gray has one and solves it every few days, getting faster and faster each day. Keep it with you in the car, you can work on it at stop lights! Just what you need! :)