Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thanksgiving Memories

Indulge me while I go down memory lane for a bit (No, this is not a picture of my first Thanksgiving--The First Thanksgiving--pretty, huh?) I love Thanksgiving. The combination of family, amazing food--in large quantities, football games, Christmas movies, snoozing, and lounging around gets me excited. I love the cozy and contented feelings that Thanksgiving evokes. We are so blessed! Of course when I think of Thanksgiving, I think of my Mom's (actually Aunt Mona's) awesome stuffing--yes, we call it stuffing at our house, although dressing is much more sophisticated. Grandma's hot rolls that you put a pat of butter in and close it up, until it melts--yum! I could actually stop there. Those two items alone would be an awesome thanksgiving meal for me--I know, CARBS! Oh well. I do enjoy the turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy, as well as the green bean casserole--my in-laws often call it "Julie Casserole." (I know, they love me!) And let's not forget the PIES! I love all the choices, although that makes it harder for me to choose and so I usually end up with the seasonal favorite--PUMPKIN! Luckily there are always leftovers later on that night (when you can barely begin to think about eating again) and that's when you get to the other pies you couldn't quite fit in after that huge dinner! And who doesn't love a little turkey sandwich, mustard, etc on a roll for dinner? YUMMY!

This year we are doing something completely different. We are going to a cabin in Heber to spend with my in-laws for Thanksgiving day and the weekend! I am really looking forward to being cozy in a cabin and having nothing to do but be together. After all, that's what the journey is really all about!


Ashli said...

sounds good to me. I love Thanksgiving and can't wait for all the food and festivities!

Traci said...

At least you don't have to dress up like indians, so enjoy yourself and think of me! If you're not sure what I'm talking about, I'm sure I'll blog the horror!

Yoga Girl said...

Oh, yum!!! I love the idea of a cabin for Thanksgiving. Have so much fun! Lucky me...I get to make dinner this year. Thank goodness for Kneaders and their yummy pies!