Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mirror, Mirror...

So can you guess what we did today?

Yup! Lindsay got her second haircut! Don't worry, I won't keep informing you each time this happens in the future. This was a lot of hair cut, so...

Here she is all blown dry and enjoying a sucker from the salon.

Here's another attempt at me getting her smiling, but that sucker wasn't going anywhere! Sorry!

It makes me think...Don't you think we all would enjoy our journey a bit more if we got a sucker every time we did something?


La Mujer Loca said...

Does she like the cut? I think she looks adorable--and grown up! Can you believe she'll be three this summer?

Traci said...

Such a darling cut! I took Josie in Tuesday to the girl that has cut her hair 4 or 5 times, and....she freaked out! Kicking, screaming, hitting, head butting....it was not a pretty picture. I was sweating and threatening time outs and she said, I want a time out...so she got one! Uuug! Way to go Lindsay, you look darling!

Mandy said...

Wow, that is cute! Do you worry that she'll lose her curls? I was paranoid to get Carissa's cut and lose those cute curls! It is cute like that, though. :)

Angelle said...

Oh I love it! So adorable!