Monday, October 13, 2008

Tagged again!

My sister sent me this tag. It was really fun to read her responses (these things always give a little insight into personalities) but, I am not feeling confident about how I will do. Here goes...
I optimist. Jeff always laughs at me for making up stories about people. (Maybe he has a crock pot full of beans in the back of his car--that's why he's driving so slowly!) I miss...being able to eat anything I want and not paying for it later (in inches)! I think...babies are soo cute! I husband. I know...that my Heavenly Father loves me. I be the kind of mother my Mother was--patient, always happy to see me, fun to be around. I search...for fun, cheap things to do with my kids. I wish...I had a chocolate dipped caramel apple tree in my backyard. I hate...having to pay for car repairs! I am scared...of big spiders and cockroaches--the kind we had in Hawaii! Uggh! They still freak me out! I fear...nothing. I am always...thinking about food. Okay, not always, but most of the time! I love...reading in my bed and falling asleep for a nap. I feel...cozy in my sweater and warm socks. I hear...Lindsay watching Caillou and playing in the other room--how do you think I find time to blog? I pumpkin pie candle--yum! I don't always...floss. Sorry Ash, and Traci. I wonder...what I'll have for my afternoon snack, it's almost time for that. I care...too much about what people think. I have always been a "people pleaser", but I am getting better about that. I regret...that Calvin doesn't have a brother. He has been a pretty good sport about it, but every now and then he talks about next time I have a baby and how it would be great if it was a boy. I am not afraid...for the future. Which is saying a lot right now! I believe...that everything will work out. We have to enjoy the journey! I a goof-bot in the car to make Jeff laugh. My kids laugh too, but they are doing it out of shame and disgust. I'm sure Jeff laughs because he thinks I'm soo cute! I print mainly. It sort of looks like my sister, Wendy's handwriting, but not as cute. I win...points when I have hot cookies for the kids when they come home from school. I still remember how awesome that was when I was a kid. Cookies are always a great surprise! I keys in my purse all the time! I hate that about purses! You can never find anything! I'm starting to think that purse light/organizer you see late at night on infomercials is looking good! I never...make chicken and rice right! You know that casserole with the chicken, rice, cream of mushroom, etc? I think I've made it right once in my life! The sad thing is it's Jeff's favorite recipe and I hardly ever make it because the rice isn't cooked, or too crispy, or it's too dry. The funny thing is it's not that difficult of a recipe and I'm a decent cook. What is the deal? I listen...for the sound of the school bus driving down our street. I love to hear the kids coming home from school for the day. I think Lindsay listens for it, too! Mom isn't as fun as Calvin and Alli. I can be home most days. I am sort of a homebody. I love being able to be home with my kids. Thanks, Jeff. I read...anything engaging and uplifting. I love to read, but these days it has to be worthwhile--so not as much fluff as I used to read.
Wow! That was a lot. Sorry everyone! I hope you realize by now that my blog is largely for my journaling purposes. I hope I didn't bore you. And now, tag--Ashli, Angelle, Lindy, Traci, Val, Victoria, Ipo, Talia and anyone else that reads this blog--you're turn!


La Mujer Loca said...

i can never get chicken and rice right either. it's either too dry or wet . . . and that's just the chicken:)

Traci said...

You are so creative and interesting...I'm so glad I am your friend! I would be too worried that I would copy your answers, I'll have to do it in a few months when your answers aren't fresh on my mind. Love you!

Mandy said...

Wow, Julie. You are amazing. I got emotional reading this blog. How did you do that? It created such a beautiful picture in my mind. Wow.