Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Candy Corn

Mmmmmm...me likey! What is up with candy corn? I can eat sooo dang much of the stuff! I remember as a child thinking it was the most amazing candy around! I remember thinking if I had a whole bag I would be in heaven! So apparently this is a fixation/craving/obsession that goes way back! I recently bought a bag to use as potty treats for Lindsay. (There were pumpkins in our mix as well. ) Lucky for me, Lindsay was mostly interested in the pumpkins, so I got to enjoy the candy corns each time she went potty--and sometimes when she didn't! To my detriment, I do not single out the candy corn--I also enjoy the mini pumpkins and other harvest candies available at this time of year! Let's just say it like it is--I am a candy head! But I do want to give props to those folks at Brachs who make some yummy candy corn!

1 comment:

Yoga Girl said...

Julie- Love the new Utube clip. Very funny! Hope to see you tonight at GNO! :)