Monday, September 29, 2008

Women's Conference

Wasn't Women's Conference great this weekend?  I was really touched by each of the talks.  I especially loved Sister Beck's talk about increasing our faith and personal righteousness.  It is so true that when we, as women, are more faithful we can strengthen those around us.  Then yesterday it tied in really beautifully with a neighbor's testimony at church.  She mentioned how she's been thinking a lot about Esther lately, and she recently realized that we are all Esther.  We all need to come to our king (Heavenly Father), with faith that we will receive the scepter (He will hear us) and plead for our people (our families) to be saved. Our responsibility of personal righteousness is crucial for us and our families.  We each need to be courageous and faithful.  I loved that!  
Another awesome point that hit home for me was from President Uchtdorf's talk.  I love how he emphasized service as the key to happiness.  When he pointed out that we each have the opportunity to emulate the Savior who was a king yet never asked for recognition of his position in society or of his greatness.  Instead, he went about serving wherever he was!  I love that, too!  I can't wait to get the Ensign and re-read that, he was so eloquent and really hit the nail on the head for me.  (I guess it's obvious what I need to work on!)

It was a great evening and it was even more fun because I was able to go to the broadcast with my Mom and some of my sisters (Wendy, Daunell, Kanani, and Mandy) as well as dinner before-hand!  What a fun tradition.  Family and the gospel really make the journey delightful!


La Mujer Loca said...

E. Uchtdorf is amazing especially when I think that English isn't his first language. He put together some great phrases and my favorite was "Happiness is our Heritage" as daughters of God. WC was great.

Mark said...

I didn't get to hear it b/c I'm a man. I think that's just plain discriminatory. But I like the recap. It made me feel warm.

Traci said...

I agree. Now how can we remember these feelings each day? I also loved the quote from Peter Pan's author...something about those that share the sunshine can't help but have it themselves...I'm going to find the exact words!